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Discussão iniciada por Evil Carrot on

Sebastian Osaer
Get em while you still can, guys, on the 20th of September they stop selling all Bandai SW kits outside of Japan...
Youtube Video
Y-Wing Starfighter BTL-A4 Y-Wing Attack Starfighter
Bandai 1:72
0196694 (2291092) 2015 Produto novo
12 September 2015, 12:50
Chris Norman
There is at least one place in the UK that will try and stock these and that is Japancool, I think this was a bad move by revell and Disney, mainly because the first lot cannot make a decent kit, I mean no effort goes into their star wars kits, Bandai did a great job with their kits. It's a sad day indeed this news
13 September 2015, 13:28
Very Bad news. 🙁 👎
13 September 2015, 13:59
Urban Gardini
And here I was hoping that they eventually would get to give us an Tie Bomber and B-Wing in 1:72. They still might but it'll be harder to get hold of those if they get to that. It's sad when it comes to this, especially when it's not even been a year since Bandai got the exclusive rights and Finemolds ceased to sell their kits.
13 September 2015, 14:19
Choppa Nutta
Their marketing strategy needs work... bad enough you can only buy them from Japan.
These should be in stores world wide !!
13 September 2015, 15:00
Chris Norman
I think it is a license agreement issue Choppa, revell are aloud to sell kits to countries in Europe (Japan with Bandai started selling these kits a while ago) so from a few complaints from revell to Disney saw these kits remain in Japan only. So if anyone is to blame for these kits not been sold here it is revell. Suppose the only solution would be to boycott the star wars kits by revell? We all know that the kits by Bandai or good looking kits
13 September 2015, 15:05
Choppa Nutta
Actually we can lay blame on Disney as they are the ones dictating terms 🙂
Yes there are one or two 1/48 kits I fancy, like all of them 😄
13 September 2015, 15:10
Chris Norman
I was hoping to get a couple of the vehicles, obviously within a Gundam order😉 I think it is a silly thing going on with them, can't they just let both be sold here.....would be nice like
13 September 2015, 15:12
Choppa Nutta
Yeah, you can tell Disney does not regard the fan base as a priority at all......
Anyhow just ordered the AT-ST 🙂 about £15 delivered to the UK, a belated birthday present to myself 😄
I did fancy the X Wing and Tie Fighter in 1/48th too, oh well, at least I got one of them 🙂

Anyhow thanks Sebastian for bringing this to our attention.
13 September 2015, 15:49
Brent Devitt
Thanks for the timely info. I have recently completed the two Tie-fighters (and mounted them onto bookends).
I ordered the X-wing this morning from Amazon before the September 20 deadline.
Disney only cares about protecting their bottom line and licensing rights (and they are one of the best at doing so. If you infringe, they will serve you with legal papers before you know what is happening). Ordering on-line was an easy way to get around it though (a.k.a. Gray marketing).
13 September 2015, 17:51
Sebastian Osaer
There's no proof that Revell is behind this, it's possible and the fact that so far only Bandai model kits are affected makes it even more suspicious, but Disney are fairly well known for being a bunch of greedy *fill in expletive of your choice here* I don't intend to boycott Revell but if they release the Finemolds Falcon at the price I've seen mentioned ($300!!) they can stick it up...well, you get the idea. I hope we'll still be able to get the Bandai kits at a decent price somewhere. I'd really like to get my hands on the Star Destroyer if they ever release it!
13 September 2015, 19:49
Sebastian Osaer
@Brent, it's strange, technically HLJ should be in that gray area as well. They're resellers, not distributors...
13 September 2015, 19:52
M.Julian Marles
Yeah I saw Revell make some weird announcement on FB, their SW kits are not very good. I suppose we will look to buy online from tertiary sources ...just like the Italeri/Tamiya co-kits!
13 September 2015, 20:01
Here a statement from revell on facebook:
24 September 2015, 16:15
Choppa Nutta
well, one has to wonder what the discrepancy between the official statement and what has been said behind closed doors is 🙂
Either way it sucks chocolate salty balls !!
Still waiting for At-ST though.....
24 September 2015, 16:34

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