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FineScale Modeler Great Scale Modeling 2019

FineScale Modeler


FineScale Modeler
Great Scale Modeling 2019 | 2019


Build Report | Page 6
IPMS/USA Nationals 2019

The International Plastic Modelers Society/USA gets down in Chattanooga, Tennessee

Build Report | Page 24
EagleQuest 2019

If you're ever down in Dallas, Texas, in June, check out Squadron's peer-judged contest and event

Build Report | Page 30
WonderFest USA 2019

It's a weekend of sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and comic book thrills and chills in Louisville, Kentucky

Build Report | Page 44
AMPS 2019

Modelers shuffled off to Buffalo, New York, for the Armor Modeling and Preservation Society annual convention

Build Report | Page 58
Mad City 2019

The Madison, Wisconsin, IPMS chapter's annual show doubled as a regional contest this year

Build Report | Page 66
Jaxcon 2019

Hundreds of terrific models are a reason to kill a day in Jacksonville, Florida

Build Report | Page 74
MMSI 2018

Every October, the Military Miniature Society of Illinois show brings modelers back to Chicago